The Bad Waldsee project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Linked to this major project, a SynergyFund in the field of "Resurrection Ecology" was facilitated by the RobustNature Initiative. There, the effects of multiple stressors in the form of chemical exposure and temperature change on Daphnia clones of different ages of the Stadtsee (Bad Waldsee) will be investigated in a multiscale approach.
Participating from our side in this workshop were the head of the Department of ‚Evolutionary Ecology & Environmental Toxicology‘, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Henner Hollert, the head of the research group ‚Functional Environmental Genomics‘ Prof. Dr. Miklós Bálint and the PhD student Florian Gigl (Resurrection Ecology, Bad Waldsee project) participated. The workshop offered a very interesting and enlightening insight into the city's history and first connections between historical and natural science results. Furthermore, there were also some external speakers, who for example presented new biomarker methods regarding the representation of climatic changes over a period of several thousand years. A public speech was also given, which was enthusiastically received by an audience of about 100 people. All in all, this workshop was a very successful event with promising results and interesting discussions about future collaborations.