Virtual Thematic Special Issue in the OpenAccess SpringerNature journal ESEU on Collaborative Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research addressing Ecosystem Health
The new thematic issue is dedicated to inter- and transdisciplinary research on ecosystem health. We invite researchers from fields such as ecology, environmental chemistry, social sciences, sustainable finance and more to submit manuscripts.
Special Issue on Chemical Pollution and Biodiversity Loss (PollutionBioLoss) in "Science of the Total Environment"
Henner Hollert, Diana Miguez, Fabiana Lo Nostro, and Francisco Sylvester are pleased to inform you that the special issue is now open for submissions. The submission deadline is 28 February 2025. Accepted articles will be published online immediately after acceptance. Once the special issue is finalized (around August 2025), all accepted articles will be compiled in a single online volume.
Invitation to the talk of Dr. Nathan Baker on 25 June 2024
As part of the colloquium of the Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity and the RobustNature lecture series, Dr Nathan Baker from the Nature Research Center in Vilnius, Lithuania, will give a lecture on Tuesday, 25 June 2024, at 4.15 pm on: „Understanding European freshwater biodiversity: Spatio-temporal patterns and future directions“. The lecture will take place in lecture theatre 1 of the Biologicum, Campus Riedberg.
Invitation to the inaugural lecture of PD Dr. Andrea Sundermann on 24 June 2024
PD Dr. Andrea Sundermann will give a lecture on „Invisible danger in the lifelines of our landscape: Chemical pollution and its significance for biodiversity in watercourses" as part of the awarding of the Apl. professorship on Monday, 24.06.2024, at 3 pm.
The lecture will take place in the Biologicum, Max-von-Laue-Str. 13, Campus Riedberg, Lecture Hall 2.
Joint publication on the current state of knowledge of the impact of sublethal effects of pesticides on insects
"Current Insights into Sublethal Effects of Pesticides on Insects”, Bartling et al. (2024), International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Invitation to the talk of Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus on 11 June 2024
As part of the colloquium of the Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity and the RobustNature lecture series, Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus from the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) and the Humboldt University Berlin (HU) will give a lecture on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, at 4.15 pm entitled: „Recreational fisheries as real life laboratory for social-ecological research“. The lecture will take place in lecture theatre 1 of the Biologicum, Campus Riedberg.
Invitation to the talk of Dr. Marion Mehring (ISOE) on 28 May 2024
As part of the colloquium of the Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity and the RobustNature lecture series, Dr Marion Mehring from the Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE) will give a lecture on Tuesday, 28 May 2024, at 4.15 pm on: "Zielvorstellung Biodiversität - Biodiversitätsbewusstsein in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft". The lecture will take place in lecture theatre 1 of the Biologicum, Campus Riedberg.
Invitation to the ISOE-Lecture on 8 February 2024 with Dr. Lisen Schultz, deputy director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre
The lecture entiteld “Bringing ecology to decision-makers – a comparison of approaches“ is part of the ISOE-Lecture and takes place in cooperation with Goethe University.
Invitation to the talk of Dr. Hanieh Saeedi on 23 January 2024
As part of the RobustNature lecture series, Dr. Hanieh Saeedi will give a presentation on 24 January 2024 titled “Marine biodiversity and biogeography advances in the digital era“.
NORMAN Network General Assembly
General Assembly of the NORMAN Network on emerging pollutants at the Goethe University in Frankfurt.